Saturday, December 14, 2013

My Journey: The Stepping Stones Sometimes Are Pebbles

I have been on this journey for years and years, of not just laying down stepping stones/pebbles for myself in building a Healthy Self-Esteem, but I have also been sharing those stones for others to use and build their own paths for their own journeys. 

Over the course of the last 9 weeks, I have been specifically focusing on Self Esteem, what it means, what it can come from and/or look like, and invite in the opportunity of discussing it more openly. The Stones and Steps I covered so far, I will be attaching in the form of links and attachments. From Blog Posts, to an attached link that will route you to my Micro Blog page via Social Media. 

I have also recorded a Podcast that brings up and covers a specific topic relating to Self-Esteem.I encourage you to listen, reflect and stay tuned for future Pod castings. I hope you have enjoyed what you have seen, read and heard thus far, and wish to come back to lay down more Stepping Stones and Take the Steps that are Yet to Come.

1 comment:

  1. My other Blog Posts can be found under the category “My Blog List” titled “My first blogs”. It was my first attempt in creating a Blog spot on here, but I kept encountering error messages when trying reconstruct it and in adding this to it. I apologize for any inconvenience for the two separate pages, and this was the only way it would allow me to reconstruct and add.
